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Monday, 9 December 2013

Research task (film opening sequence analysis+ more) explanation

The obvious reason why my media teacher has asked me to analyse the starts of at least 5 films, is because it allows me to discover and focus in on the key techniques and traits displayed within film sequences of my chosen genre. The biggest aim of the entire final task is produce a exceptional opening 2 mins of a film; which explains the amount of research and planning which I will be doing over the coming weeks and months, in order to prepare myself for the delicate task of bringing all my developed knowledge and hard work together. 
Despite all this, the basic principle for creating a good film- is a good idea; thus through watching and analyzing at least 5 openings to inspiring and influential films- it is likely that it will help my mind to generate at least one adequate idea.
The genre I have ultimately chosen is 'Thriller'. Through this being a wide genre, it allows many ideas to classify in this very easily, allowing myself to focus on the sole thriller criteria of creating a very tense atmosphere, whilst confusing but drawing in the viewer. Another reason for picking the category of thriller, is that it is my favourite genre, and Panic Room+ The Usual Suspects- are two on the long list of my favourite films. This obviously enables me to analyse the films more enthusiastically.

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