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Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Questionnaire Results

  1. Gender: Male 25%, Female 75%
  2. Age: 16-18 75%, 25 and over 25%
  3. Film Genre Preference: Thriller 25% Comedy 25% Other (Rom-com) 50%
  4. Name of your favourite films: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, Fight Club, Hot Fuzz, Star Wars, Anchorman, Pineapple Express, The Parent Trap, The Holiday, 500 Days of Summer.
  5. Which opening sequence is your favourite:
  • The Dark Knight Rises- 50%
  • Casino Royale- 50%
  • Psycho- 0% (Disappointing really- a classic)
What Do These Results Tell Me:

The majority of Female over Male (75%) immediatly perhaps suggests that the results may well be unbalanced as a representation of the views of people in year 12; but on the other hand it presents a strong representation of a female group with similar interests (all having taken media), therefore I will know specifically how one area of my target audience (and one area of the general market) feel towards my chosen genre.

The fact that only 25% of the sample preferred Thrillers is a bit of concern, however it still shows that in a female dominated sample- it sill relatively competes, which shows the genres' strengths in a wider-reaching market.

The list of favorite films once again show a representation of Thriller's within a wider audience, but yet are still almost a minority (2 out of the 9 films listed); showing that only the best, most distinctive thrillers are successful in a wide audience/market- thus liked by people who you may not expect the film to be liked by. Perhaps therefore, the only way to be successful to a wide market, is to create something new and fresh, but yet moderate; so that it is likely to interest a large number of different people; without it losing popularity due to controversial aspects (like its messages, and language used.

The results to question 5 show the votes for the best opening sequence split between The Dark Rises and Casino Royale, with no votes for Hitchcock's classic Psycho. This demonstrates that in order to impress an irregular thriller audience (female dominated) the film opening has to perhaps be fast paced and modern in its representations and traits, however bonds opening oddly is in black and white, featuring heavy violence before the famous opening credits begin- showing a unique but traditional opening being successful with a modern irregular audience; which is certainly something which i would like to achieve. However, without the pedigree of the bond franchise, it may be hard for unknown films to have this desired effect.

1 comment:

  1. How might you use this information? What does it tell you about your target audience?

    In terms of you analysis, make sure that you are considering why certain shots/ edits have been used, as well as the nature/ style/ content of titles. You should aim to be as detailed as possible.
