No Country For Old Men Opening
Kill List Trailer
No Country For Old Men
A prestigious ident gives the opening the ability to appeal to wide audience; whilst still being very adventurous; this is a technique which i may look to replicate.
A simple white font contrast with the black background, simply does not grab the viewers attention as the film makers would rather they remained patiently tense.
Dawn in Texas is a very beautiful but yet meaningful shot(s) as it signals the start of another day for the Sheriff of a state of outlaws. This double meaning meaning in stunning cinematography is something i could only hope to replicate- as it demonstrates high level work to the examiners, and also adds a fresh dimension to my work.
This incredible landscape shot confirms the films western thriller genre, due to the undeniable combination of beauty and the large chilling shadows. The use of light in this is very important and building tension, therefore the murderer lurking around in my film opening could become a dark figure in a shadowy background in order to chill the viewer in the same way as this film is doing- showing the inspiration the use of light in this film has given me.
The two shots of this structure demonstrates it's lone standing in the mountainous desert; this serenity is darkened by the grim monologue of the sheriff- who is discussing the savagery of criminals. The singular sound of the dialogue therefore creates tension as it infers to the viewer that this location cannot be trusted. Once again the advantages of lone dialogue is shown- as it receives the viewers full tension,molding their viewpoint, this is something which i will look to do in my opening.
The use of light for perception is used to full effect here as the figure all in black is in handcuffs, and could well be one of the savage criminals which the Sheriff was discussing- thus the antagonist
The prop of the gas canister is used well to create confusion for the viewer who naturally becomes undecided to whether it is a weapon, or simply miscellaneous. The use of an unusual prop could be something which I incorporate into my work as it provides the confusion and tension towards the viewer to which I am looking to achieve.
The final beautiful shots shows the singular road out of the rural area, inferring the danger of isolation when murderous criminals are about. I could certainly achieve this chilling inference in my work, by using an empty beach.
Kill List
Kill List being my analysed example of a Film4 production shows a low budget idea being carried out intelligently in order to have a profound effect on the viewer, this is something which Film4 has achieved achieved time and time gain with low budget films. I wish to replicate this effect within my film sequence, in order to achieve a fresh, interesting perspective.
The animation of the wicca/witch symbol is an usual and original aspect to place in the opening sequence of a film. It demonstrates the eerie horror/thriller genre, whilst showing how despite a low budget- the film makers can produce something positively unlike anything else out there on the film market, demonstrating what i can still achieve with my low budget.
Fair research here, Freddy. However, you do need to make sure that all of your planning is uploaded without delay since you are now into the production period.