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Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Prisoner scene

Here it is!! My first Media film sequence

1 comment:

  1. 0:00 - The opening is quite dramatic, although not sure about the fade to black; if you're representing a character being knocked out, you might want to do a straight cut. There appears to be a slight editing glitch at about 0:14, with a shot of a tree appearing...
    0:15 - I think you hold this blackout a little too long
    0:20 - I like this shot of the gravestone. Might work better if you held it static (rather than moving the camera) and cut between this and the next shot
    0:27 - Quite a well-framed shot, although not so keen on the zoom
    0:49 - The panned discovery of the body is rather effective, although it's a little jerky and takes a little too long. Well framed, however, and good use of music
    1:10 - I do like the location you've chosen; it's very atmospheric. It's also effective how you've shot the hand-held following shot, although this would work better with a stedicam-type setup. Again, you hold the shot for too long; ideally, such a sequence would involve a number of different shots from different angles and distances to generate a sense of tension. You overuse the cross-fade (this should really only be used to denote passage of time, not applicable here, as far as I can tell)
    1:19 - A rather good ELS, although there are obviously issues with the audio. If doing something like this, you would either need to post-synch the dialogue (basically, get them to do it again closer to the camera) or have some sort of audio-recorder hidden near to where they are acting, to capture the speech
    1:33 - A shame that you don't do more with the CUs. You could have broken up your ELS with a few differnt angles (you could easily have hidden the identity of Number 2 by shooting her from below/ behind etc.) You are a little swift to cut away from your CUs (e.g. the one of Number 2 at about 1:39)

    It's a fair effort, Freddy, but I think that you could probably have done a bit more with it. You need to aim to be a lot more adventurous in terms of the shots you choose and the pace of your editing - these are both elements which will be assessed, so you need to master them fairly swiftly.
